The ChainCon Software (Release 0.03)
chaincon Directory Reference


file  algcell.h [code]
 An abstract algebraic cell.
file  ammodel.h [code]
 Computation of the algebraic minimal model using the SNF.
file  atmodel.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: An interface to all the algorithms available in this package.
file  atmodel0.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 0, very slow; combinatorial version - for coefficients in Z_2.
file  atmodel1.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 1, new version, but still without computing the transpose of the projection; combinatorial version - for coefficients in Z_2.
file  atmodel2.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 2, new version, with computing the transpose of the projection (faster); combinatorial version - for coefficients in Z_2.
file  atmodel2r.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 2, new version, with computing the transpose of the projection (faster); version for an arbitrary commutative ring of coefficients.
file  atmodel3.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 3, using the SNF; combinatorial version - for coefficients in Z_2.
file  atmodel3r.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 3, using the SNF; version for an arbitrary commutative ring of coefficients.
file  atmodel4r.h [code]
 Algebraic topological model computation: Algorithm 4, using the SNF; version for an arbitrary commutative ring of coefficients.
file  awdiag.h [code]
 Alexander-Whitney diagonal of a chain.
file  awdiagcub.h [code]
 A cubical version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal.
file  awdiagcubs.h [code]
 A cubical version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal, based on simplicial subdivision of cubical cells.
file  awdiagsim.h [code]
 A simplicial version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal.
file  awdiagsimgen.h [code]
 A version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal for general simplicial sets.
file  boundary.h [code]
 Boundary computation at the level of chains of cells.
file  cellnames.h [code]
 A class for naming cells for nice text data output.
file  chain.h [code]
 A chain with coefficients in an arbitrary commutative ring.
file  combchain.h [code]
 A combinatorial chain, that is, a chain with Z_2 coefficients.
file  comblinmap.h [code]
 A combinatorial linear map (for coefficients in Z_2).
file  combtensor.h [code]
 A combinatorial tensor (for coefficients in Z_2).
file  cring.h [code]
 Computation of the cohomology ring.
file  cubcell.h [code]
 A cubical cell.
file  cubproduct.h [code]
 A function that converts a cubical cell into a simplicial set that corresponds to the cartesian product of intervals.
file  emptycell.h [code]
 The decision on whether the empty cell should be used as a valid cell of dimension -1.
file  euclwrap.h [code]
 A wrapper of a generic coefficient type for the CHomP library.
file  extarray.h [code]
 An extendible array.
file  ez_aw.h [code]
 The Alexander-Whitney operator as a component of the Eilenberg-Zilber chain contraction.
file  ez_eml.h [code]
 The Eilenberg-Mac Lane operator as a component of the Eilenberg-Zilber chain contraction.
file  ez_shi.h [code]
 The Shih operator as a component of the Eilenberg-Zilber chain contraction.
file  filtcomplex.h [code]
 A filtered cell complex.
file  homcohom.h [code]
 Computation of the (co)homology groups of an algebraic minimal model.
file  linmap.h [code]
 A linear map for coefficients in an arbitrary commutative ring.
file  pair.h [code]
 A pair of elements.
file  prodcell.h [code]
 A Cartesian product of simplicial cells of arbitrary type.
file  readfcompl.h [code]
 A generic procedure for reading a filtered cell complex or a pair of filtered cell complexes from text files.
file  remordered.h [code]
 A utility procedure for removing an ordered set from another ordered set.
file  ringz2.h [code]
 Elements of the ring Z_2.
file  ringzp.h [code]
 Elements of the ring Z_p.
file  setfilter.h [code]
 A function that creates a filter from a set of cells of different dimensions.
file  shuffles.h [code]
 An iterator of shuffles.
file  simplex.h [code]
 A simplex class with arbitrary vertices.
file  simplset.h [code]
 A simplicial set.
file  snf.h [code]
 This file includes a specific interface to an SNF computation algorithm.
file  snfchomp.h [code]
 An interface to the SNF computation using the CHomP software package.
file  ssquarescub.h [code]
 Computation of the Steenrod squares for cubical cells.
file  ssquaressim.h [code]
 Computation of the Steenrod squares for simplicial cells.
file  stringhash.h [code]
 Hashing keys for std::string.
file  tensor.h [code]
 A tensor of chains with coefficients in an arbitrary commutative ring.
file  wrapping.h [code]
 Tools for coordinate wrapping, a.k.a.