Version 0.31 2002/04/05 CubTop - README =================== :: A program which manipulates with representable sets. :: Version 0.3 - April 2002 -------------------------- Copyright (C) 2002 Tomasz Kaczynski: Sylvain Berube: Anik Trahan: SUMMARY: CubTop is intended to manipulate with cubical representable sets. Currently it contains the following functions. (a) topological operations on representable sets : - union; - intersection; - disjoined union; - Cartesian product. (b) extracting informations from a representable set : - free faces; - proper faces; - maximal faces; - topological boundary; - open hull; - closed hull. (c) Storing representable set on a file; (d) Getting an image (bitmap) of a 1D or 2D representable set. REQUIREMENTS: CubTop currently runs under Unix only. INSTALLATION: 1. Extract the distribution of CubTop in your favourite folder. 2. That's all ! You can now execute the program 'cubtop'. For information on how to use it, see next sections. CREATING INPUT FILES: These are text files. Their names must have an extension, e.g. ' figure.txt'. A file of a representable set looks like this: Type of set : R Space Dimension : 2 (4) x (4) (0) x (0,1) (3,4) x (2) (1,2) x (2,3) A file of a cubical set looks like this: Type of set : C Space Dimension : 2 [1] x [2] [3] x [1,2] [3] x [2,3] [3,4] x [-1,0] - The first line 'Type of set : R' (respectively C) indicate if this is a representable or a closed cubical set. - The second line 'Space Dimension : 2' indicate the embedding number of the set. - All the other lines indicate the elementary cell (or cube) which constitute the set. So, the set is the union of these elementary cells or cubes. - Comments may be placed in lines starting from " ; ". - See the directory Examples for more examples. RUNNING CUBTOP CubTop contains the following functions : - union; - intersection; - disjoinedunion; - product; - freefaces; - properfaces; - maximalfaces; - topobounds; - getdimension; - openhull; - closedhull. All these functions serve to manipulate representable (or cubical) sets stored on a file. The file name must have an extension, e.g. ' figure1.txt', ' figure2.cub', ' figure.rep'. Execute the program CubTop without any parameters to see the general help of the program. server> cubtop [enter] server> *** you'll see the general help of cubtop *** To see the help of a specific function, simply call the function without any parameters. For example : server> cubtop intersection [enter] server> *** you'll see the help of the function intersection *** To execute a function, simply call the function with the file name for input. The program needs only the four first letters of the function. For example : server> cubtop union figure1.txt figure2.txt [enter] server> cubtop prop figure1.txt [enter] Each function can be call with these options: -o [file] - create a output file -g [file] - create a bmp file of a 1D or 2D set -c - show the result in a cubical set (if possible) -b - results will not be printed on screen Yon can call the program without function, but with options. For example, to create a bitmap file of the figure1.txt : server> cubtop figure1.txt -g -b [enter] DEVELOPMENT TO COME: - Match CubTop with cubical homology program of Pawel Pilarzyk. - Provide rescaling necessary to accept bitmap. - 3D visualisation of a representable set on bitmap. - More... AUTHORS Sylvain Berube Anik Trahan Some codes provided or inspired by : Pawel Pilarczyk (class pptextfile, Antoine Pineau (class AVLtree, class AVLnode) Jonathan Ruel (class bitmap) CUBTOP TEAM: Tomasz Kaczynski: Anik Trahan: Sylvain Bérubé: ENJOY ! Comments are welcome. The CubTop team.